£3.1 billion for nothing
This is hardly likely to be news to the discerning quote seeker. However, it will be to the 20 percent of motorists who, astonishingly, just decide to renew with their existing provider without bothering to shop around.
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this is that it actually only takes a few minutes to make a quick survey of the quotes available on the market.
And it seems that when it comes to comparing car insurance, it is not always the oldest who are the wisest – the same survey revealed that younger drivers were the group most likely to make comparisons of the motor insurance market, while drivers over 55 were the least likely, perhaps because they’re less internet savvy.
But don’t let age be an excuse! Here at duck2water we’re proud to say that we’ve recently got our grandparents using iPads (other tablets are available). In fact the money you save by comparing the market could be enough to buy a whole new iPad, outright.
Image © DaveBleasdale via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: car insurance, compare, drivers, quote, young driver
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