

My life as a taxi driver

I'm guessing many parents won't find this a new concept, but occasionally your car becomes a taxi and even though you have toiled all day at the office, school or factory, you find yourself doing an extra shift as you ferry everyone around in the family's personal taxi.

Yesterday, I got home from a full day in the duck2water office, cooked dinner, hung a load of washing and then took the family to their various clubs and hobby activities.

7pm. First drop - my year eight son to Judo club.

7.10pm. Second drop - my partner to footy training which officially starts at 7pm, but they never get going at that time (he normally cycles, but his bike had a puncture).

7.35pm. First pick up - my daughter from athletics training, which is a 25 minute drive away, she goes there after school in a friend's car but her friend's session finishes at 6.30pm and it seems unreasonable to expect them to hang around for her (I drive while praying for no road-works or hold ups).

8pm. Second pick up - drive back to Judo to pick up the Karate Kid (although I have been banned from calling him that) and then drop the two of them at home before the footballer has to get back in the car.

8.30pm. Third pick up - turn up the air freshener before the footballer gets in (open the windows), then drive home.

Arrive back at 8.45 to finally sit down - what a day.

Image © estraire via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence

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